py-brian | | Simulator for spiking neural networks |
py-brian2 | | Clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks |
py-bruce | | Bruce, the Presentation Tool, puts reStructuredText in your projector |
py-brython | | Implementation of Python3 running in the browser |
py-bsddb | | Python extension module for Berkeley DB 3 and 4 |
py-bson | | BSON codec for Python |
py-buildbot | | Continuous integration system |
py-buildbot-console-view | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-grid-view | | Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-pkg | | Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-waterfall-view | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-worker | | Worker for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-www | | Web frontend for the buildbot CI system |
py-builder | | Easy-to-use build automation tool for Python |
py-bw2parameters | | Library for storing, validating, and calculating with parameters |
py-bxa | | Bayesian X-ray spectral analysis |
py-c-lasso | | Algorithms for constrained Lasso problems |
py-c7n | | Cloud Custodian Policy Rules Engine |
py-c7n-kube | | Cloud Custodian Kubernetes Support |
py-CalDAVClientLibrary | | CalDAV library for python used by CalendarServer |
py-calphad | | Thermodynamic models, calculating phase diagrams |
py-calverter | | Convert date between Hijri, Jalali and Gregorian types of date |
py-cameo | | Computer aided metabolic engineering & optimization |
py-cantera | | Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport tool suite |
py-captcha | | Python framework for CAPTCHA tests |
py-capturer | | Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses |
py-carbon | | Backend storage application for graphite |
py-cartopy | | Cartographic python library with matplotlib support for visualisation |
py-catalogue | | Super lightweight function registries for your library |
py-causalinfo | | Information Measures on Causal Graphs |
py-causality | | Tools for causal analysis |
py-cbc | | Gravitational wave CBC analysis toolkit |
py-ccdproc | | Stropy affiliated package |
py-ccdproc2 | | Astropy coordinated package for CCD data recution in astronomy |
py-cclib | | Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry |
py-ccuracy | | Pyccuracy is a BDD style Acceptance Testing framework |
py-cellulist | | Periodic cell list |
py-cerridwen | | Accurate solar system data for everyone |
py-cesium | | Machine Learning for Time Series Analysis Platform |
py-cexprtk | | Cython wrapper the C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library |
py-cf-python | | Python interface to the CF data model |
py-cfgv | | Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages |
py-cgen | | C/C++ source generation from an AST |
py-chaco | | Chaco is a Python plotting application toolkit |
py-chainer | | Flexible framework of neural networks |
py-chainmap | | Polyfill implementing ChainMap |
py-chaos | | UIC REU on Chaos, Fractals and Complex Dynamics |
py-chaospy | | Numerical tool for perfroming uncertainty quantification |
py-chealpy | | Python Binding of chealpix |
py-chebfun | | Python Chebyshev Functions |
py-chebpy | | Chebyshev polynomial based spectral methods of PDEs |
py-check-jsonschema | | CLI for jsonschema validation |
py-check-manifest | | Check in a Python source package for completeness |
py-checkmate | | Tool to easily test simulated event files against LHC results |
py-checkov | | Infrastructure as code static analysis |
py-chemicals | | Chemical properties component of ChEDL library |
py-chemlab | | The python chemistry library you were waiting for |
py-chempy | | Python package useful for solving problems in chemistry |
py-chemview | | Interactive molecular viewer for IPython notebook |
py-cherry_picker | | Backport CPython changes from main to maintenance branches |
py-chinup | | Python Facebook Graph API client |
py-chm | | Python bindings for the CHMLIB library |
py-chompack | | Library for chordal matrix computations |
py-christofides | | Christofides Algorithm for TSP |
py-chspy | | Cubic Hermite splines |
py-ciabatta | | Miscellaneous shared utilities |
py-cinfony | | Common API for several cheminformatics toolkits |
py-cito | | Generic particle-physics software trigger with flash ADCs |
py-cityhash | | Python wrapper for FarmHash and CityHash |
py-cli | | Command-line utilities |
py-cli_helpers | | Helpers for building command-line apps |
py-click-command-tree | | Python click plugin to show the command tree of your CLI |
py-click-option-group | | Option groups missing in Click |
py-clickatell | | Library for interacting with the Clickatell SMS Gateway |
py-clid | | Simple vector mathematics library |
py-cliff | | Command Line Interface Formulation Framework |
py-cligj | | Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON |
py-clnum | | Rational and arbitrary precision floating point numbers |
py-clonedigger | | Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python |
py-cloud-init | | Industry-standard cloud instance initialization |
py-cloudlib | | General purpose library for in application use |
py-cm | | Multi-class confusion matrix library in Python |
py-cma | | Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for non-linear |
py-cmd2 | | Extra features for standard library's cmd module |
py-cmtoolkit | | Unofficial Python port of the conformalmapping MATLAB toolbox |
py-cnfgen | | CNF formula generator |
py-coala | | Unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code |
py-coala_utils | | Collection of coala utilities |
py-cobra | | Constraints-based modeling of biological networks |
py-cobrapy | | Package for constraints-based modeling of biological networks |
py-coconut | | Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming |
py-cocos2d | | 2D framework for games and multimedia |
py-codecov | | Python report uploader for Codecov |
py-codepy | | CodePy is a C metaprogramming toolkit for Python |
py-cogent | | Cogent A toolkit for statistical analysis of biological sequences |
py-collectd | | Statistics collection daemon - python plugin |
py-colorcet | | Collection of perceptually uniform colormaps |
py-colored-traceback | | Automatically color uncaught exception tracebacks |
py-colorpy | | Handling physical descriptions of color and light spectra |
py-columnize | | Format a simple (i.e. not nested) list into aligned columns |
mk | | Subfolder |